洞察力 2023年5月22日


With over half of the UK’s largest organisations committed to eliminating their 碳排放 by 2050*, 减少集体碳足迹的势头正在增强. 气候危机, 以及公认的全球变暖的影响, 把可持续发展和环境问题提上议程的首位了吗. 大多数组织都在不遗余力地减少他们的员工 碳排放 英国已成为脱碳和可持续实践的领导者.

*来源: 商业、能源和工业战略部


我们的现代社会产生了大量的二氧化碳2):比自然产生的要多得多. 科学研究证实是过量的二氧化碳2 which is unbalancing atmospheric levels and causing increases in global temperatures. Scientists have been warning us for decades and now we must act to reduce 碳排放 as a matter of urgency.

脱碳是用于去除或减少CO的术语2 释放到大气中. 碳排放, 哪些已经发布了, 可以通过捕获等量的二氧化碳来平衡吗2 并将其储存在“碳库”中. 这个过程被称为“碳固存”。.


The complete removal of 碳排放 is known as ‘carbon neutrality’ or ‘net zero’. This hard-to-achieve status needs careful planning and research to inform the right strategy for any organisation. It has an impact on decisions covering everything from how you manage your facilities, 您的材料和工艺, 到物流和运输, 以及与哪些供应商合作.

企业可以采取一些措施来减少二氧化碳排放2 日常运作产生的废气. Read on for some pointers on the ways your organisation can reduce its carbon footprint.



首先要做的是充分利用你所拥有的. Make sure that building controls and heating systems are properly maintained and fine-tuned to run at peak performance.

Older heating systems are especially inefficient, often needing an upgrade or replacement. If that’s not possible, there are other ways to optimise heating systems and reduce 能源 wastage.

Space usage and occupation can be monitored using sensors linked to the building management system (BMS). This allows facilities managers to turn down or switch off heating when not in use. Similarly, window and door sensors can trigger an alarm in a specified scenario. 例如, 如果暖气开着,窗户或门是开着的, a BMS alarm can indicate where heat is escaping from in the building so that action can be taken.


Lighting accounts for around 30% of an organisation’s electricity usage and traditional lightbulbs use around five times more 能源 than more 能源-efficient LEDs.

Switching to LED lighting not only cuts 能源 usage, and costs, but also lowers your CO2 排放. 和, by remotely monitoring building occupancy and controlling the lights in areas that are not in constant use, 智能传感器有助于节约能源和减少碳排放.



可再生能源, 包括风力发电, 太阳能, 水电, 地热和生物能源, 是否变得更容易获得, 访问和, 在某些情况下, 更便宜.

对可再生能源解决方案的需求不断增长. Solar photovoltaics (PVs) is one of the most advanced renewable 科技nologies for built environments. According to Solar Energy UK, in the UK alone, 太阳能 power generation is at just over 14GW. It will need to reach at least 40GW by 2030, if we are to achieve a net zero economy by 2050.

太阳能光伏成本的下降, 以及性能的提高, 应该在很大程度上帮助我们实现我们的目标, 和, 在Mitie, 我们的太阳能专家 help organisations to find the right 能源 solutions by providing a complete service, 从设计和交付到监控和维护.


全球道路上有数百万辆汽车. 不幸的是气候, the internal combustion engine is one of the biggest single contributors to global warming. 根据国际能源机构关于全球二氧化碳的报告2 交通运输部门产生的排放, 39% come from passenger cars and a further 23% from medium and heavy goods vehicles.

电动汽车(EV)技术在过去十年中取得了巨大进步, and EVs are now a realistic and viable alternative to traditional petrol and diesel engines.

Mitie’s team of transportation consultants, combined with our in-house ability to 提供高压澳博官方网站,正在帮助客户过渡到电动汽车和大量的碳排放. 我们的团队将首先分析车队和环境、社会和治理目标, 然后与你密切合作进行设计, 建立和安装你需要的电动汽车充电基础设施.

在Mitie,我们言行一致. 作为我们零净战略的一部分, 到目前为止,我们已经将45%以上的车辆转换为零排放电动汽车. 我们有3000多辆电动车在路上行驶 英国最大的电动汽车车队之一*,每年可节省约10,000公吨二氧化碳2 每年.



The 能源 used to heat commercial buildings can have a huge impact on the carbon footprint of an organisation.

Heating systems are generally a good place to start on the road to decarbonisation for most organisations. 转向低碳替代品, 比如热泵, is a good way to improve 能源 consumption and it helps with decarbonising your organisation’s estate.

在Mitie, our 能源 team works closely with clients to take fossil fuels out of the equation and 使他们的供暖脱碳 通过从燃气锅炉转向更好的加热和冷却解决方案.

Upgrading heating systems is a good place to start in your decarbonisation journey


当涉及到减少组织的碳足迹时, the choices made by your suppliers matter just as much as your own activities in your decarbonisation journey. 这被称为第3类排放. Choose to work with suppliers with an environmentally responsible approach and make it your business to drive carbon reduction in your supply chain.

在Mitie, 我们有雄心勃勃的计划,到2025年实现净零碳排放, 的营运排放(范畴1及范畴2). By 2035, 我们的目标是达到范畴3的净零排放, 哪些涵盖了更难控制的事情, 比如我们的供应链和员工的通勤. 我们正在朝着目标前进. 我们还肩负着帮助客户和整个行业的使命, 加速实现净零排放.


Carbon reduction is a complex process and there’s no standard solution to decarbonising your organisation. Getting expert advice on the best measures can pay real dividends in terms of fast results and returns on investment.

作为英国最大的设施管理公司之一, 有一个内部的能源顾问团队, Mitie在这个瞬息万变的行业提供了扎实的专业知识. 我们被公认为框架的指定供应商,包括 净零碳交付框架.

我们的团队是可再生能源方面的专家, 浪费资源, 可持续运输和基础设施. 脱碳过程是一门科学, and we combine 创新 with the intelligent use of data to deliver positive impacts for our customers.

挑战我们的客户, 制定雄心勃勃的目标,制定切实可行的能源战略, 我们帮助他们更快地去碳化.

问现在 看看Mitie如何支持您的组织实现净零排放.

